M.A. Growth Hacking (M.A., Fernstudium)

Typ Master of Arts
Studienform Fernstudium
Schwerpunkt Online Marketing
Studienbeginn Jederzeit
Dauer 36 Monate
Kosten 10.099,00€
Sprache Deutsch

IU Internationale Hochschule / M.A. Growth Hacking im Detail

Du hast Deinen Bachelor im Bereich Marketing und Kommunikation abgeschlossen und willst Deine Fähigkeiten erweitern? Ein ausgezeichneter Plan! Starte Dein Master-Fernstudium Growth Hacking und bring Deine Karriere aufs nächste Level. In dem 120-ECTS-Porgramm lernst Du, wie Du Unternehmen im Digitalen Zeitalter auf Wachstumskurs setzt. An der IU Internationalen Hochschule studierst Du dabei an unserem Virtuellen Campus 100% flexibel. Du gibst den Rhythmus an!


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Weitere Berufsbegleitende Studiengänge

Name Abschluss Dauer Kosten
B.A. Architektur Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Aviation Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Bauprojektmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Customer Experience Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Führung Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Business Administration Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Customer Centricity Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Digital Business Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Digitale Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. E-Commerce Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Eventmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Facility Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Finanzmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Fitnessökonomie Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Game Design Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Gerontologie Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Gesundheitsmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Gesundheitsökonomie Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Growth Hacking Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Heilpädagogik Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Hotelmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Immobilienmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Innenarchitektur Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. International Healthcare Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. International Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Internationales Marketing Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Kindheitspädagogik Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Kommunikationsdesign Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Kultur- und Medienpädagogik Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Logistikmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Marketing Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Mediendesign Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Medienmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Modemanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. New Work Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Online Marketing Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Pädagogik Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Pädagogik für Bildung, Beratung & Personalentwicklung Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Personalmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Pflegemanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Pflegepädagogik Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Physiotherapie Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Produktdesign Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Produktmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Projektmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Public Management Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Public Relations Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Social Media Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Soziale Arbeit Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Sozialmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Sportmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. Tourismusmanagement Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.A. UX Design Bachelor of Arts 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Bauingenieurwesen Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Elektrotechnik Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Engineering Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Medizintechnik Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Robotics Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Umweltingenieurwesen Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Eng. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Industrie 4.0 Bachelor of Engineering 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Agrarmanagement Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Angewandte Psychologie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Applied Artificial Intelligence Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Business Intelligence Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Computer Science Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Cyber Security Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Data Science Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Diätetik Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Ergotherapie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Ernährungswissenschaften Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. FinTech Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Gesundheitspsychologie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Informatik Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Kommunikationspsychologie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Logopädie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Medieninformatik Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Pflege Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Physician Assistant Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Psychologie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Softwareentwicklung Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
B.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie Bachelor of Science 36 14.739,00€
LL.B. Wirtschaftsrecht Bachelor of Laws 36 14.739,00€
LL.M. Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht Master of Laws 36 10.099,00€
LL.M. Vertragsrecht Master of Laws 36 10.099,00€
LL.M. Wirtschaftsrecht Master of Laws 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Architektur Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Coaching Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Digital Business Management Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Digital Entrepreneurship Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Digital Innovation and Intrapreneurship Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Digital Transformation Management - Gesundheitswesen Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Digitale Transformation Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. E-Beratung in der Pädagogik Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. General Management Master of Arts 24 10.099,00€
M.A. Gesundheits- und Pflegepädagogik Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Gesundheitsmanagement Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Growth Hacking for Entrepreneurs Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Heilpädagogik/ Inklusionspädagogik Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Information Technology Management Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. International Healthcare Management Master of Arts 24 10.099,00€
M.A. International Management Master of Arts 24 10.099,00€
M.A. Marketingmanagement Master of Arts 12 10.099,00€
M.A. Online Marketing Master of Arts 36 10.099,00€
M.A. Personalmanagement Master of Arts 12 10.099,00€
M.A. Soziale Arbeit Master of Arts 24 10.099,00€
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik Master of Science 12 10.099,00€
MBA Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration 12 14.389,00€

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